Physical Education in Scoil Naomh Barra

Scoil Naomh Barra is committed to providing high-quality Physical Education to all pupils. All classes receive 60 minutes of formal PE instruction each week. All classes are taught the strands of Athletics, Dance, Gymnastics, Games and Outdoor & Adventure each year. Pupils from 1st-6th class also have the opportunity to take part in Aquatics, having swimming lessons in Navan Swimming Pool each year.

We will be developing the strand of Gymnastics this year. Coaches from Coolmine Gymnastics Club provided a training workshop for teachers on Monday 21st October 2019. We have recently purchased new gymnastics equipment to further develop this area of the PE curriculum. 

We have introduced the Move Well, Move Often programme to teach the Fundamental Movement Skills to all pupils. During the months of January and February the children will be exploring the Dance strand of the PE curriculum. They will also develop the Fundamental Movement Skill of Skipping.


P.E. Equipment

In Scoil Naomh Barra, our PE equipment is kept in the store room in the PE hall. All the equipment is labelled, well organized and can be accessed easily by both teachers and pupils. Each year, new equipment is purchased and old equipment is replaced where necessary. 


PAWS (Primary Aquatics Water Safety) is an educational resource for primary schools created by Water Safety Ireland. PAWS outlines life-saving guidelines for children of every age and is available digitally to every school in the country. It teaches children how to be safe around water in homes, farms, pools, beaches and on our waterways.

In Scoil Naomh Barra, the PAWS programme is taught each year to all class levels. It is taught in the first term as during the second term we complete the aquatics strand.