The AGM of the Scoil Naomh Barra Parent Association will take place in the school on
Thursday, 17th of October at 8pm.
We hope to see as many of you there as possible. And we would also welcome new members to the PA Committee.
Meeting Agenda
- Chairperson’s Address
- 2023 A.G.M. Minutes
- Treasurer’s Report
- Review of PA Activities for 2023/24
- Plans for the 2024/25
- Review of the PA Constitution
- Any Other Business
If you have any questions for the principal please email the question to before 5.00 p.m. on Friday, 11th October.

We are continuing to run the monthly No Uniform Day that started in 2022.
It will take place on the last Friday of each month. The cost per child will be just €2 with a €4 cap per family.
The children can wear their own clothes to school on these days and all monies raised will go towards something that benefits all the children.
Thanks to everyone who supported our quiz night in May 2024. It was a close fought battle with a tie-breaker needed to find the winning team.
A special word of thanks goes to M.C., Andy O’Reilly and also to Michael McGarry who finished the night off with some great music.
Thanks to everyone who supported our Book Fair in March 2024.
With your help we earned €1715.10 for the school to spend on books. This will be added to the remainder of the rewards earned last year and spent on books for the school library.