Action Plan
Challenge: Significantly reduce the quantity of paper that the school consumes and discards.
In the first 10 weeks of the school term, statistics accrued by our office secretary, revealed that an excess of 11,500 sheets of paper had been used. We believe that this is a priority area in need of urgent address.
Use the school’s scanner and digital projector instead of photocopying. Photocopy on both sides of sheets whenever possible. Don’t discard unwanted paper or card – allow the children to use it as doodle paper or as an art resource. Shred paper to feed our school wormery. Explore alternative ways of distributing notes & the monthly newsletter, eg. email or texting. Check bins to see that waste paper has been properly segregated.
Ensure all waste paper & card is properly segregated. Re-use paper & card wherever possible. Be aware of opportunities to reuse & reduce our waste. Encourage others to reduce and reuse at school & at home. Doodle on waste paper instead of fresh sheets. If you make a mistake on a sheet, turn it over. Don’t skip pages in copies.
Encourage children to reuse & recycle at school & at home.
Challenge: Eliminate litter from the school environment using the co-operation of teachers, parents and children.
On Friday’s in particular, there is a marked increase in the amount of litter discarded on the playground. Friday is the school’s “treat day”, where extra packaging is evident.
What can staff do?
Consider the option of reducing the number of treat days in the month to limit the quantity of litter on the playground. Encourage children to be aware of products have have excess packaging & prompt them to consider alternative products with less packaging. Promote the concept of taking fruit to school. Organic waste can then be fed to the wormery or composted. Organise litter pickers for the litter squad on school mornings.
What can children do?
Organise a “litter squad” to patrol the school & pick up any litter using the litter pickers. Discourage dropping litter & report any incidents to school staff. Bring lunchboxes to school instead of tin foil, cling film, etc. Take sports bottles to school or reuse plastic drinks bottles. Design posters to inform & promote a litter free environment. Reuse and /or recycle whenever possible. Report pupils who break the schools green code. Re-use paper & card wherever possible. Be aware of opportunities to reuse & reduce our waste. Encourage others to reduce and reuse at school & at home. Doodle on waste paper instead of fresh sheets. If you make a mistake on a sheet, turn it over. Don’t skip pages in copies.
What can parents do?
Encourage children to bring fruit to school as a healthy alternative to confectionery. Remove the packaging from children’s lunches. Supply children with sports bottles or simply refill used water bottles.
Challenge: Reuse organic waste in a beneficial way.
The vast majority of children in Scoil Naomh Bárra bring fruit on a regular basis as part of a healthy lunch. The resulting peel and organic waste is subsequently disposed of.
What can staff do?
Continue to promote fruit as part of a health lunch. Insert a third bin in each classroom for organic waste. Draft a rota for pupils who will empty organic waste on a daily basis.
What can children do?
Empty the green bins everyday. Regularly check that waste is correctly segregated.
What can parents do?
Organise worms & a wormery for the school. Acquire a large compost bin in which the pupils can dispose of their organic waste. Check the wormery & composter during holiday periods.
Challenge: Ease congestion at peak times and offer a healthy alternative to driving to school.
The school foreground experiences congestion at peak times every day. The safety of children, parents and other motorists is hence threatened.
What can staff do?
Set an example & use the walking bus facility whenever possible. Encourage other staff members to use the walking bus whenever possible. “Drive” the walking bus. Draft a rota for adults to “drive” the walking bus. Use parking bays that are furthest away from the school gates to allow maximum safety. Promote regular exercise & healthy eating.
What can children do?
Use the walking bus facility whenever possible. Encourage other children to use the walking bus whenever possible. Remember the Green Cross Code. Respect & obey the instructions of adults on the walking bus for maximum safety.
What can parents do?
Use the walking bus facility whenever possible. Encourage other parents to use the walking bus whenever possible. Park at the community centre and walk with your child even when the walking bus is unavailable. Avoid reversing onto the main road at all costs. Use parking bays that are furthest away from the school gates to allow maximum safety. Promote regular exercise and healthy eating. Drop off &/or collect children at the school gates and move off to avoid congestion.
Challenge: Increase awareness of the school's current projects and initiatives being undertaken.
The wider community is largely unaware of the school’s current projects and initiatives undertaken.
What can staff do?
Spread the word to other friends & relatives of the schools current projects & initiatives. Contact local newspapers & radio stations to promote our efforts. Get involved in and support fundraising efforts organised by the committee. Advertise children’s artwork on designing posters to inform & promote our efforts in & around the school.
What can children do?
Spread the word to other friends & relatives of the school’s current projects & initiatives. Get involved in and support fundraising efforts organised by the committee. Design posters to inform & promote a litter free environment.
What can parents do?
Spread the word to other friends & relatives of the school’s current projects & initiatives. Get involved in and support fundraising efforts organised by the committee. Organise interviews with local newspapers & radio stations to promote our efforts. Acquire/organise funding from local interested businesses. Advertise children’s artwork on designing posters to inform and promote our efforts in and around the community.