We have started our Lámh “Sign of the Week” initiative.  Each week, all classes will be practicing a new Lámh sign.

Lámh signs of the week – Google Slides 

What is Lámh?

Lámh is the manual or key word sign system used by children and adults with intellectual disability and communication needs in Ireland. Lámh is grant-aided by the HSE. Lámh is endorsed by the Irish Association of Speech and Language Therapists and Down Syndrome Ireland.

Lámh Signing Guidelines

  • Always speak the word along with the Lámh sign.
  • Use appropriate facial expression and body language to emphasise what you want to communicate.
  • Make the sign accurately at all times.
  • Face the person and make sure you have their attention.
  • Always use your dominant hand.
  • Don’t hold things in your hands when signing.
  • Make signs within the ‘signing space’ – (usually this means from the waist outwards and includes face and shoulders)
  • Don’t cover your mouth when signing!
  • To indicate more than one of something, make the sign twice.