To provide information and guidelines to parents and staff.
Introductory Statement:
The family and home are central to the social and intellectual development of the child and the nurturing of good moral values. The school and the family strive to be mutually supportive and respectful of each other so that the child’s education can be effective. All the community stakeholders aim to work in the child’s best interests.
The Code of Professional Conduct for Teachers (2012) applies to all teachers in Scoil Naomh Barra. The role of the teacher is to educate. The ethical values of respect, care, integrity and trust underpin the standards of teaching, knowledge, skill, competence and conduct.
Respect: Teachers uphold human dignity and promote equality and emotional and cognitive development. In their professional practice, teachers demonstrate respect for spiritual and cultural values, diversity, social justice, freedom, democracy and the environment.
Care: Teachers’ practice is motivated by the best interests of the pupils/students entrusted to their care. Teachers show this through positive influence, professional judgement and empathy in practice.
Integrity: Honesty, reliability and moral action are embodied in integrity. Teachers exercise integrity through their professional commitments, responsibilities and actions.
Trust: Teachers’ relationships with pupils/students, colleagues, parents, school management and the public are based on trust. Trust embodies fairness, openness and honesty.
Parents are the primary educators of their children. In the best interests of their child, parents are encouraged to:
- Develop close links with the school.
- Participate in meetings in a positive and respectful manner, affirming the professional role of the staff and all staff members in the school.
- Collaborate with the school in developing the full potential of their children.
- Share the responsibility of seeing that the school remains true to its ethos, values and distinctive character.
- Participate in policy and decision making processes affecting them.
Structures to Facilitate Communication and Consultation:
- Formal Parent/Teacher Meetings in November.
- Meeting for parents of incoming pupils in June.
- Parents receive a written Report on their child at the end of the School Year.
- Meetings for parents of children with Special Needs in September and February to discuss Individual Education Plans.
- Consultation throughout the year.
- Homework Diary, used to relay messages which are signed between parents and teachers. Parents are requested to sign the Diary daily.
- Parents are invited to events throughout the year e.g. concerts, school Masses, special gatherings.
- Phone; used to inform parents of accidents, arrange appointments.
- Text a parent; used to alert parents to events, messages or emergencies.
- Notes/emails; used to inform parents of details of events, request monies/permission.
- School Diary Note-lets; used to inform teachers of absences by pupils.
- Newsletter; used to keep parents up to date with school events, holidays and school concerns.
- Website; used to provide parents with information on school policies, procedures and alert parents to special events.
- Parents wishing to speak to a teacher about their child may do so by appointment only.
- The school secretary can accept messages from parents for staff or pupils. Staff will endeavour to reply to messages at their earliest convenience depending on the urgency of the matter in question.
Positive and respectful communication is of high importance in our school. This not only extends to the children but to all of the stakeholders, teachers, staff, parents and the wider community. Anyone entering our school building should feel safe to do so.
While the behaviour of children in our school is of vital importance, adults in the school community also have a responsibility to ensure their own behaviour models the types of behaviour expected of our pupils and detailed in our Charter and Code of Behaviour.
All stakeholders are responsible for their own behaviour in the school building.
- It is vital that the school is informed if family events/situations occur that cause anxiety to a pupil and that may adversely affect his/her education and welfare.
- In all matters pertaining to the welfare and education of pupils, only the parents/legal guardians named on the Enrolment Form can be consulted by staff.
- The Child Protection Policy of Scoil Naomh Barra informs our communication and confidentiality surrounding welfare issues.
- All communication sent from the school will be sent to the child’s home address as given on the Enrolment Form unless otherwise requested by parents.
- In the case of pupils who are not living with parents, notes, notifications, etc. will be sent to the primary carer unless otherwise requested by both parents.
- There can be no unannounced visits to classrooms at any time.
- All visitors to the school must use the main door and report to reception.
- Meetings with any members of staff at the school door, in yard or outside of school are discouraged in the interests of discretion, confidentiality and class supervision.
- In so far as possible meetings between parents and teachers should be arranged outside teaching time. Otherwise appointments are subject to adequate supervision being arranged for the class.
- Under no circumstances can staff involve themselves in the resolution of conflicts between parents.
- Except in the case of exceptional circumstances and/or if deemed necessary by the school principal, all meetings with parents will be conducted on a case by case basis following a prearranged appointment via the school office.
- When staff and parents meet, it is important that the time of meetings be kept to a reasonable amount of time. Times of meetings should be agreed beforehand and these should be respected. (Meetings should last no longer than 15mins).
- Staff should never be asked by a parent to speak about another parent’s child. The staff of the school will respect all children’s right to privacy.
- All stakeholders and visitors to the school must treat our children and staff with the utmost respect while on the premises or present at school related activities.
- All stakeholders must speak to each other with respect. Aggressive tones or demeanour, verbal abuse, threats or intimidation are not acceptable in Scoil Naomh Barra.
- If a parent/visitor displays anger or aggression to another member of the school community, they may be asked to remove themselves from the building.
- The involvement of the Gardaí remains at the discretion of the Principal and/or the Board of Management.
- The Board of Management of Scoil Naomh Barra recognises the right of all staff, pupils and parents to their privacy and personal life. Malicious rumours, gossip, inappropriate on line social networking will be considered by the Board of Management under the Guidelines of Circular 40/97 Assaults of Teachers/School Employees and Circular 60/2009 Procedures in Relation to Professional Competence Issues and General Disciplinary Matters.
- Under NO circumstances can a parent or visitor directly approach a pupil during school hours.
- Parents are discouraged from directly approaching a pupil regarding incidents in school that are being dealt with as detailed in our Code of Conduct.
- Circular 40/97 DES
- Circular 60/2009 DES
- Children First – National Guidance for the Protection and Welfare of Children 2011
- Scoil Naomh Barra School Policies on –
- Complaints Procedure
- Anti-Bullying
- Code of Discipline
- Child Protection